Thursday, May 31, 2012

RIFT: Storm Legion - Expansion

We've speculated, we've hoped, and we've received.  It's official, RIFT's first expansion will be released Fall 2012 and is named RIFT: Storm Legion.

This expansion will include:
  • 3 New Raids (Including Crucia, The Dragon of Air)
  • 2 New Continents (3x the size of the current world)
  • 7 New 5 Man Dungeons
  • Level Cap Increased to 60!
  • 4 New Souls (1 per calling)
  • "Dimensions" (Player/Guild Housing)
  • Tempest Bay (Shared Faction City)
  • 1 New Chronicle
  • A Brand New Bestiary (brand new creatures)
  • New Gear Slot - Capes!
  • New Crafting Tier, "Grand Master"
  • Colossus (100x the size of a player and interacts with terrain in a revolutionary way) (will be showcased at E3 2012)
  • ...and more yet to be announced!

For now, enjoy this sweet new trailer depicting Crucia leading her Storm Legion.  What is so critically important I wonder about the "Infinite Gate"?  Could this be the method we use to transcend the realm of Telara and assault the planes themselves?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Episode 13 [Community Voice]: Onward To Conquest

Matt & Joe are joined by two Community Voice guest hosts this week: Mythblaze and Khellendros to discuss all things Conquest! We go over the community's initial reaction to Conquest, clarify some details about phase one of testing, and attempt to give you all as much information as possible about what we learned.  So kick back and enjoy while we prepare you for Conquest!

Download: HERE

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Episode 12: We're Not Drunk, Honest

This week on Overcast, Matt & Joe switch places and Matt makes his best attempt at imitating his co-host. Joe leads the discussion where we cover some new teasers that have appeared on the PTS, the upcoming Mentor system and ponder if Laethys is the new destroyer of guilds. We also say goodbye to one of RIFT's top raiding guilds, Voodoo. Best of luck guys, where ever you go!

Download: HERE

Friday, May 18, 2012

RIFT Overcast Wallpaper - Stillmoor

I love to experiment with photo editing.  So much so that I was one of those dudes who ran a signature request style thread on a couple of forums for a while.  It's a lot of fun and so I couldn't resist turning this awesome screenshot of Stillmoor and adding in our characters and some effects to enhance the feel.  I'm quite happy with the results and wanted to share this with our fans.

Got any suggestions for good photo ops? Let us know in the comments below!  Also feel free to send us some scenic screenshots of your favorite areas of Telara and we might just turn it into our next wallpaper!  Enjoy!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Welcome To "Conquest"!

Realm vs Realm Comes to RIFT!
That's right!  Our cries have been heard and will be heard again on Thursday, May 17, 2012 @ 4:00pm PDT, as we march on both our enemies.  Choose from one of three new factions, unique to Conquest: Ram, Lion, or Raven.  Each faction will stand on its own and have to overthrow the others in true three faction Realm vs Realm PvP combat!

Check out the Official Announcement on Rift's blog.  Matt has also ninja'ed Joe online for a short time to capture our initial reactions to this announcement, so be sure to have a listen!  As a result of this announcement, we've decided to delay Overcast Episode 12 until Saturday.  This will give us time to test the new Conquest feature as much as possible.

Make sure you all update your PTS client early!  This is going to be epic!

What was your reaction to this news?  Let us know in the comments below!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Episode 11: We've Got The Power

Things got a little heated this week in RIFT after a random survey went out without any information about how they were choosing their audience.  Rogues united to try and push for some energy changes, showing us all that we've got the power and Joe shows us all just how good he is at interior design.  All that and more of the usual banter you're used to in this week's RIFT Overcast!

Download: HERE
(note: There may be some possible issues involving podomatic. If you have any issues with the embedded player or downloading this episode, please contact us via email or leave a comment below so that we can address the situation.)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Episode 10: Dance Magic Dance

This week your hosts bring you a special extra long episode in honor of our 10 episode milestone! Woot! Joe has chosen to return to playing his Rogue but this time will focus on main spec DPS instead of tanking.  Matt has also decided to main spec Tank with his Cleric.  We spend a little more time discussing the best ways to accommodate different levels of difficulty in raids, speculate on the new raid instance coming up named Primeval Feast, what renewed player's interest in the mystery zone Planetouched Wilds, and much much more!

Twitter: @RiftOvercast
Download: HERE

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ituziel & Ember Conclave by Frostbringer

If you're like us and just itching for more Infernal Dawn be sure to watch this video which showcases the EU guild <Frostbringer> taking down Ituziel and the Ember Conclave.  There aren't many Infernal Dawn boss videos out yet but luckily Frostbringer has shared these two encounters with us in full HD 1080p.  Enjoy and be sure to leave them a comment or a 'like' on youtube! Check back often and we'll continue to scout youtube for the best Infernal Dawn videos to share with you!