Sunday, August 26, 2012

Episode 25 [Community Voice]: Going Hard

Community Voice guests Khan & Myrkel, from US guild No Quarter, join us this week to discuss a wide array of topics including patch 1.10, dimensions, the support role in Storm Legion, and much more.  Elrar was lurking in the chatroom and tossed us a couple of crumbs as well.  Later on, our guests give us some insight into their guild and what its like to be a part of No Quarter.  We discover a little about what happened with the recent exploiting that lead to some controversy regarding credit for the Maelforge world first kill.  And most importantly, we're on a boat!  Don't worry, you'll understand.

Download: HERE

Friday, August 17, 2012

Episode 24: Potatomancer Revealed

What a jam-packed episode we have for you all this week! There's so much that we were live for almost 2 hours and had to stop ourselves from talking even more! Khel joins Matt & Joe again this week as we discuss the latest news regarding patch 1.10, Rift's newest mount is a tad to 'cheeky', the almost complete removal of factions on pve servers, and Trion's newest 'experiment' with normalizing gear stats for instanced pvp. We've also pulled several juicy tooltips from Trion's revealing of the new mage soul, the Harbinger, which we discuss in great depth! Everything is better with sprinkles, especially this week's episode of Overcast.

Download: HERE

Thursday, August 16, 2012

RIFT Overcast & Extra-Life Marathon

Hey Overcast fans, Matt here to tell you that we will be participating in the Extra-Life Marathon this year on October 20, 2012. We are signed up on as RIFT Overcast and have joined the Trion Worlds team.  All donations raised by Overcast will count towards the cumulative goal of the Trion Worlds team and go towards helping fund local Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.  I myself have participated in 2 years of the Extra-Life Marathon and I'm very pleased to be able to support the event through our beloved podcast, RIFT Overcast.

On October 20, 2012, RIFT Overcast will be streaming LIVE on our TwitchTV channel for the entire 24 hours to help meet our goals for the Extra-Life Marathon event.  We will have a donation link available on our TwitchTV page for you, or any newcomers, to use if you would like to donate towards this great cause.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Landslide Mount Rated M for Mature!

The Landslide mount looks awesome and can be acquired by purchasing the $119.99 1 year prepaid game-time deal, which also comes with a copy of RIFT: Storm Legion.  As cool as this mount is, many players have been put off by Landslide's rather... er... defined rear-end.  Thankfully, Elrar has posted a screenshot showing a solution to this odd complaint.  Landslide now has a tail, sort of.  It is a tail right?  Well, looks good enough for us here at Overcast but some players are being quite picky about it.  Trion can't make everyone happy!  If it still bothers you, I think you should roam Telara with your camera panned around to a frontal view.  Maybe a diaper would make people happy?  *shrug*


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

PvP Stat Normalization PTS TEST Aug 14

The concept of a "gear treadmill" or a "gear grind" is an old one that a vast majority of mmorpgs have adopted over the years.  The question in many player's mind is often; if there is no gear grind, than what is my incentive to play?  This is a question that stems from years of mmo players being used to their characters constantly growing in power.  While there are other aspects of RIFT, and numerous other games that many players enjoy, gear progression has always been a staple aspect of the genre.

Players who participate in the PvP in RIFT, however, have felt the grind much more heavily than in other games.  One could argue the impact of a gear grind, within other titles, depending on their own personal experience but veterans of RIFT know exactly what we're talking about.  The PvP in RIFT has, for many players, been extremely enjoyable because of the versatility of the soul system.  Unfortunately, this versatility has long been overshadowed by the gear grind.  Over a year has passed since RIFT's initial release back in March 2011.  As expected, players have developed several "cookie-cutter" soul builds that have become the norm for many.  The development of cookie-cutter builds is bound to happen in any mmorpg but for RIFT, this means the attraction of the soul system has faded even further into the back of many player's minds.  So what happens when you take away the attraction of a versatile cross-class system like souls?  You're left with one thing, your gear vs your opponent's gear.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Episode 23: The Geomancer

Expectations are extremely high for the expansion!  With the reveal of the new Mage soul right around the corner, Matt & Joe discuss some specifics about what it will be.  Recent screenshots and images have shown a Mage wielding a two-handed sword!  Is it a tank, a melee dps, or is Trion just messing with us?  Your hosts have abandoned the Vigil and are now firmly seated in the ranks of the Defiant!  Matt returns to the Mage and Joe picks up where he left off on his original Warrior.  Find out what prompted our decision to swap factions and why Joe is suddenly interested in the Warrior once again.  Oh, and did we mention the Geomancer?!

Download: HERE

Friday, August 3, 2012

Episode 22 [Community Voice]: Endless Possibilities

This week, Matt & Joe analyze the recent Reddit AMAA (ask me almost anything). With SWTOR's recent announcement that they're switching to a "freemium" or free-to-play model, several sites have inspired discussion about which subscription MMORPG could be the next to adopt F2P. We discuss how RIFT seemingly dodged the bullet, as many players commented on RIFT's success as a subscription model. What are the benefits of F2P and will RIFT ever consider it as an option? Later on we're joined by our Community Voice guest, Juuno from the popular podcast, Rift Shinies to discuss the most recent revelations in Telaran lore and the endless possibilities for where the story could go in the future.

Download: HERE