Friday, February 10, 2012

Episode 2: High Elf Flatulence

In this week's episode of RIFT Overcast we're unfortunately short one host, as Cameron is sick this week. Joe and Matt cover some personal and player concerns with PvP and ease of access to the new merged-tier-experts. Later on, we get to speculating a little about the upcoming 20 man raid, Infernal Dawn, and the suspected changes to the Cleric soul of Druid. Wonder when Elementalist will get a rework? Shapeshifters anyone? Joe also seems to have a theory about the High Elf healing animation. So kick back, relax, and enjoy the show. Oh, and don't forget the air freshener.

Twitter: @RiftOvercast


  1. Rumor has it that the next patch should have some crafting improvements. And I seriously hope that these improvements come as soon as possible.

    Also, I think this whole queue time thing is a non-issue. It's one thing for queue times to be short for warfronts, as that's the only way to get them done. But as far as normal dungeons are concerned, I think people need to start talking in gchat and lvl chat, or meet up with people rifting to get dungeons done.

    I'm not saying that there shouldn't be an LFG queue system, but I think our reliance on it should diminish. Especially when you are a tank and healer duo. People jump on "LF3M dps for XX" in seconds.

    As far as phasing out the normals, I think they are. In adding more and more chronicles makes doing the normals more than once rather obsolete. And I think that is an okay way to do it.

    I seriously hope Infernal Dawn is a new Tier. That makes more sense to me.

    And I apologize for the disjointed formatting, was commenting as I was listening. Good show guys, looking forward to the next one!

  2. Thanks for doing this podcast for us Rift addicts. It's a good listen too!
