Friday, February 17, 2012

Episode 3 - Wife Aggro

With Cameron still out sick, Joe and Matt duo-host once again. In this week's episode we share an exciting announcement for the show and shed some tears for the death of the Support role as well as brainstorm how to bring it back to 5 man dungeons. The community's distaste for the Mercenary system seems to have increased. Some players have even boycotted the system apparently! Also, our characters are quickly acquiring better and better gear, bringing us that much closer to Master Modes. All two of them. Wait, there's only two? Doh!

Twitter: @RiftOvercast


  1. Love these podcast's keep em up!

  2. Great podcast. I like the breadth of issues discussed. I like that you explained things so that new players would know what you are talking about. Some other podcasts assume their players know all the acronyms, etc, but that's not always the case.

  3. King Boss Mods (No2 on Curse) is a fully fledged addon with constant updates. And is probably about the same distance along its development as DBM was back when it was first started with limited API.

    You need to remember. WoW's UI was built with the same API the addons had access to. This is not the case in Rift.

  4. Just catching up on old podcasts but wanted to comment.

    I couldn't care less about Leaderboards but I'm not all hot and bothered to rush through the Raid content. I did that in Wow and don't want to do it again. I run with our Guilds casual 10man Raid group and sometimes fill in on the entry 20man Raids and have plenty of fun.
